Friday, April 5, 2019

Kids 'R' Kids :: Seasonal Changes: Springtime with Preschoolers

The weather is changing and it’s time to move outdoors to search for new life!  It is so important for children to spend time outside. Here are 7 ways to enjoy the outdoors with your preschooler this spring:
  1. Create a scavenger hunt: put a simple scavenger hunt together and look for buds of flowers, caterpillars and ladybugs, birds’ nests, or ducklings in a pond.  Help your preschooler identify the first signs of spring!
  2. Start a seedling jar!  Find easy-to-grow seeds like beans, peas, or sunflowers.  Place your seedlings in a sunny spot and watch them grow. Once they are ready, move them outdoors to fill your garden!

Northwest Bible Church :: Divine Platforms: Be Strong and Courageous

I’ve never been one to take risks. Even now, my three-year-old son will tell me, “I’m being careful, Mommy,” before I have the chance to issue the warning. Risk-taking has always been for other people. Enter Northwest Bible Church where I’ve realized that taking a risk isn’t just for the church employee, but it’s for all followers of Christ. We don’t have to look far to realize God is calling us to risk by inviting others into conversations about Him.

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Dallas Moms Blog :: No Athletic Trainer? Your Student Athlete Could Be Missing Out

We are starting a serious sports career in our family (well…as serious as you can get at 4 years-old). My son comes from a long line of student athletes: his father played baseball in college and his father played baseball in college. His grandfather played tennis in Canada and his great-grandfather played basketball in Kansas. A life as a student athlete for our kiddo is inevitable. As a mom new to this sports life (I watched sports, I didn’t play them), I want to make sure my son sustains few injuries and has access to healthcare professionals who will make sure he is well-taken care of. 

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