Friday, April 5, 2019

Kids 'R' Kids :: Seasonal Changes: Springtime with Preschoolers

The weather is changing and it’s time to move outdoors to search for new life!  It is so important for children to spend time outside. Here are 7 ways to enjoy the outdoors with your preschooler this spring:
  1. Create a scavenger hunt: put a simple scavenger hunt together and look for buds of flowers, caterpillars and ladybugs, birds’ nests, or ducklings in a pond.  Help your preschooler identify the first signs of spring!
  2. Start a seedling jar!  Find easy-to-grow seeds like beans, peas, or sunflowers.  Place your seedlings in a sunny spot and watch them grow. Once they are ready, move them outdoors to fill your garden!

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